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只要短短幾分鐘,輕鬆上桌! 無防腐劑的冷凍熟飯!
Within just a few minutes, the preservative-free frozen cooked rice can be served!

A perfect combination of rice that enhances the competitive edge.

One of the few companies in the world that master rice grain ripeness control and rice product development.
省越多 賺越多
Saving is earning!
節省時間成本! 加熱/蒸5分鐘即可馬上調配食用
Saving time cost! Heat/steam for just 5 minutes for it to be served.
節省人工成本! 不需多餘1-2個人力專職烹調
Saving labor cost! Cost for one to two cooking staff members can be saved.
節省空間成本! 攜帶方式不佔寶貴空間
Saving space cost! It is easy to carry and hardly occupies space.
份量控制成本! 絕不浪費多餘食材
Saving cost with controlled serving! No food will be wasted.
節省設備成本! 不需要多餘專業烹調機器
Saving equipment cost! No extra cooking devices are needed.
More professionalism for a more competitive edge.
幾分熟您指定! 各種米飯穀類配合您絕妙廚藝指定
The degree of doneness is up to you! A variety of rice grains for your culinary mastery.
易消化好舒暢! 經專業日本百年大廠酵素分解製造
No flatulence! Manufactured via enzymatic decomposition by a Japan-based century-old factory.
嚴選台灣生產! 高品質的優良米種及穀類指定使用
Made in Taiwan! Only using high-quality rice grain varieties Stable quality!
穩定精準品質! 不管1人份還是100桌每碗都一樣
Equally excellent quality for both one bowl and a banquet of 100 tables.
米飯可客製化! 可避免同業模仿 可提升市場優勢
Customized rice! Ensuring advantage in the market without horizontal competition